Osato International Inc.-パパイヤ発酵食品 Immun'Age(イミュナージュ)-



Autumn Olive Harvest

In October, olives started ripening and we harvested them.


Olive_20161019_02_0.jpg Olive_20161019_02_1.jpg
We all worked in a team to pick the massive amount of olives off the trees.


We had a good harvest again this year and the olives totaled 123kg!

The olives shown in the picture above are only a part of the whole harvest.

We began to extract oil immediately so that the olive fruits may not deteriorate.

Olive_20161019_02.jpgFirst of all, we crushed the olives with a blender.

Olive_20161019_03.jpgThen, we wrapped the crushed olives with gauze and then squeezed them.

Olive_20161019_04.jpgCollecting the squeezed juice

Olive_20161019_05.jpgAs we had a lot to do, we all worked hard.

Olive_20161019_06.jpgWe collected 60 liters of juice (mixture of oil, water and solid) from 123kg of olives.
The color was more like Green Tea, far from that of olive oil...

Olive_20161019_07.jpgSeparating oil with a centrifuge

Olive_20161019_08.jpgBefore centrifugation

Olive_20161019_09.jpgAfter centrifugation
We can see there's oil floating on the surface!

Olive_20161019_10.jpgCollecting the oil at the top layer by sucking it with a pipette

Olive_20161019_11.jpgBy filtering it, we could obtain clear and beautiful oil!


4 liters of olive oil was produced!

It was more than enough for all of us.


We felt a sense of accomplishment thanks to the plentiful olive oil.

We had a great harvest season here at Osato Laboratory Garden.

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