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Immun'Âge in the Official Website of
"Coucours of Elegance"
Immun' Âge is a partner of "CONCOURS OF ELEGNCE", which is a world-class automotive celebration. In the official website of Concours of Elegance, you can see Immun' Âge in the partner page.
Also, Immun' Âge advertisement appeared in the official catalogue of Concours of Elegance, which held from September 2-4 in 2016 at Windsor Castle in UK.
Partner page in the official website of Concours of Elegance
Top page in the official website of Concours of Elegance
<Click here to read the Partner page in the official website of Concours of Elegance>
・Front page of the official catalogue of Concours of Elegance
・Immun' Âge Advertisement page (P.28)